Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The illusion of Life and Death

Great art and music are expressions of our infinite creativity in limited, solid form. Humans can only experience it in tiny parcels like that to protect us from destruction. Our limited minds can’t fully grasp the vastness of the infinite. But we enjoy that beauty in limited form because it’s like a postcard from home saying “Wish you were here”.

Our Ego covers and hides our true selves and our creativity. This begins early in life from parents and society “Don’t do that! No! Stop! You can’t do that! Be ‘good’!” The idea to “Be good” is really saying “You are not good enough”. This limits our natural spontaneity and creativity to a limited, solid form. Our true selves (happiness, health and wealth) are then stifled.

Overcoming your Ego and finding your true self unlocks the creativity inherent in your being. This comes with ‘suffering’ because we need that energy to transform it into strength needed to make the shift. Child birth is a painful experience at first – just like bringing your infinite true self into this world of limited, solid form.

In this physical world, it appears that there are things such as life and death because we don’t see the invisible forms that everything changes into. Really, there is only transformation. Science now shows us that energy cannot be created nor destroyed; only transformed. What we perceive as death is merely transformation into another form. We never really lose anything, only the illusion of solid forms.

You can see this design of transformation everywhere. Our sun is constant “destruction”, like one huge nuclear explosion. But really, it’s just transforming its energy and emitting it in many different forms; radiation, heat, visible / infrared / ultraviolet light. That constant “destruction” is used for life on our planet.

Carbon dioxide, which causes death to us, is what trees need to live and produce oxygen, which we in turn need to breathe for life. Everything in existence relies on another – remove something and the whole system falls apart. We are more one with the entire universe than we realize. Life and Death, like all things, are one – transformation, the eternal process of creation.

Modern society prevents our soul’s expression (creation) and transforms it into hate and further destruction of our inter-dependent system. The result is war, stealing, fighting and arguing. People then fight for wealth, health and happiness – rather than creating and sharing with others which would create even more.

We have full control of this transformation process - to prevent a soul’s expression is to prevent creation and without proper transformation of energy, everything falls apart. Take out carbon dioxide and plants die.

This is why it’s important to have self esteem and unconditional love. With self esteem, we allow ourselves to be and accept ourselves as is – fully – without forcing and needing ourselves to live up to limited forms of Ego. You then create your own happiness, health, wealth and love – regardless of your life situation, result or appearance.

Unconditional love enables you to accept others for who they are, preventing the formation of their Ego. This love also transforms them into and allows them to see who they really are – co-creators of happiness, joy, health, wealth and abundance with the rest of existence.

This is why we need and will always have loss, death and suffering. We need that energy to transform it into life and happiness. All the people that have done great things with their lives have been motivated by great amounts of pain, suffering and injustice.

After learning to create through desperation, we can then start creating through inspiration – removing the illusion of loss, death and limitation. Transformation and creation is above death and limitation. But this won’t create a paradise on Earth.

If we had nothing but happiness, joy and love on Earth, we would then have no need to create new things to benefit others. We would have no purpose because we would have everything we would need and the creation process would end. Everything in existence relies on everything else; pain and pleasure... life and death.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Q and A - Wealth, Health, Love and Fulfillment

Okay, you better be ready for this. Not many people are. This article will shatter every idea of yourself, your reality and your future. In a good way. It'll hurt so good (not to insinuate you're into that kind of stuff or anything...)

Highest probability: you've NEVER heard anything like this before. Lowest probability: you've NEVER heard anything like this before.


What exactly is the Ego?

The Ego is a false sense of self created at a young age as the only way to feel good about ourselves. It’s created in order to make sense of our parents’ seemingly illogical actions – one minute they love us, the next hate; Yes, No, I love you, go away. The Residential Schools was an extreme version of this and explains why the resulting problems plague Aboriginals everywhere to this day.

Most parents take out their anger on their children or handle them angrily when they are in a bad mood. A young child doesn’t understand the stresses of adulthood, so in order to make sense of the situation the child thinks “It must be ME that’s causing that”. Punishment has the same effect (see my article Punishment Vs Discipline).

The very same negative behavior parents dislike is reinforced when parents lash out on their children then later apologize and tell them they love them. This teaches children to misbehave and to cry in order to get attention and love (it seems like the only consistent way of getting it). This is why many women stay in abusive relationships and why those men abuse them. It's what they're used to and what they've learned through Observational Learning.

If this continues throughout childhood, the only logical thought becomes “I’M a bad person. I must do something in order for others to approve of me”. This is the wounded Ego and causes the creation of Inner Shadows (more on this in future articles).

The false Ego causes your entire sense of self and happiness to come from something outside your control (money, some event, other’s approval, ect). It causes you to feel you need to do something in order to feel you are something (such as happy, good, ect).

Even finding about punishment and its effects on children makes most parents feel guilty. This is their Ego causing that pain (needing to measure up to some standard to consider ourselves “good”... needing to do something). Self Esteem’s only standard is life and the only requirement is to be.

What is Self Esteem?

To esteem something means to value to it and to think “This is good, I like this”. To esteem yourself is to value yourself for who you are – not what you do. This means you feel good about who you are even if you fail, don’t measure up or are insulted. It doesn’t even affect your level of happiness or Self Esteem because it’s YOU who esteems yourself, not someone else or some event.

Self-Confidence is often confused with Self Esteem. To be confident means to feel good knowing that you can do something. Can a baby do anything? Not really. Then why do we value them? It’s because people value life, life is the Primary Value – what one can do as a result of being alive is Secondary Value. Life is valuable. Your life is valuable. You are valuable. Value yourself.

Let me tell you something. If you were in a desert and haven’t seen anyone in months when you suddenly come across someone, you’d most likely want to stay near them. Not because of what they can give you (Secondary Value), but simply because they managed to survive and are alive. Life is the Primary Value.

Being able to do or gain something can only happen if we have life (only if we are). People go wrong when their Primary Value becomes what they can do, what they have or what they are experiencing (which is Secondary Value). Why? Four reasons:

1. We are NOT what we can do, what we have, or what we experience – for that can change
2. It replaces a constant Self Esteem with an unstable, inconsistent Ego that depends on validation that is there one day, gone the next
3. They miss what’s really important – family, friends and community (life)
4. It makes people constantly look for some future event outside themselves which causes them to not appreciate their life right now – as is (not valuing their Primary Value – life)

What you do and what you experience comes as a natural result of who you are (or in the cause of the Ego, who you think you are). You can’t say to your muscles “My muscles are so (big/small)... stop doing that” simply because they aren’t doing anything... they just are. What you can do with your muscles comes as a Secondary result of them being that way. The Secondary Value they provide comes from what they are - the Primary.

Esteem your Primary Value (your life, yourself, your time) and the Secondary Value (wealth, health and love) will come as a natural result of who you are. And when it comes, you realize you’ll don’t need it to feel great because your Primary Value provides that (you’ll learn this without learning it the hard way like Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe and Anna Nicole Smith).

Also, the negative actions of other people will no longer stress you as much (if at all) AND you’ll be able to influence them to create positive events just by being you. Who you are creates what you experience. Many people just don’t know how this works.

Why should I care if I have an Ego?

Your Ego is the one and only source of ALL your suffering and pain. You may think “No, in my case, someone or something else caused my suffering”. I’m here to suggest that it’s not events that upset you, it’s the views your Ego takes of them.

Let me ask you something; as a 2 month old baby, did you care if someone called you dumb? Of course not... you didn’t even know what the word meant. The event itself doesn’t make you feel bad – it’s your thoughts about it that does. It’s only after your Ego decided that dumb was bad that you felt bad when someone called you that (threatening your Ego).

On the flipside: what if some crazy homeless person came up to you and said, “You’re the greatest person in the world. I know it because God told me” would you feel good about yourself? Probably not.

If you think a person’s opinion isn’t true, you won’t feel good about yourself even when they praise you. It’s your thoughts about it that cause your emotions. The event itself can’t make you feel anything, it’s how you interpret the event that does.

So what does that have to do with anything? It means that you may not have control over what happens to you, but you do have full control over what those events mean to you. You create how you feel how you feel at all times. So that means you can feel great without needing anything or even when your life is a complete hell.

It’s simple but not easy – at first. After you get the hang of it, it becomes an automatic part of who you are. You no longer have to do anything to be happy... you just are happy. And you won’t need anything outside yourself to feel that way. You won’t need money, some event or anything else going good for you to feel great. Not only that, but negative situations will no longer affect you as much, if at all.

It’s only after your false Ego is out of the way that you can uncover your authentic Self Esteem, happiness and fulfillment.

So how exactly am I in full control of my own happiness and sadness?

What causes feelings of happiness and anger are merely chemicals in your brain – inside you (not outside, in some event). They are triggered by what you think about the event you’re facing.

To value, say, ice cream would trigger those happiness chemicals when you are eating ice cream. It’s not the ice cream that triggers it, it’s your liking of it that does. If the positive evaluation wasn’t there, the ice cream would no longer trigger those feelings.

You can actively decide what is valuable to you and you can choose to see things you dislike differently (thus changing how you feel about them and how they affect you). This means you can have full control over how and when you feel happy.

The real kicker is that you can feel great all day, all the time, without being at the mercy of things outside yourself. And nothing outside you would be able to change that (if it does, it doesn’t stay that way for long).

Let me put it this way: when you are happy, you think happy thoughts. When you are angry, you think angry thoughts. You can’t think happy thoughts while angry and expect to suddenly be happy. Secondary results cannot create Primary causes; doing doesn’t create being (only a hollow imitation of being). Without the first, the Secondary cannot happen; being is doing.

Likewise, you can’t expect to run away from negative events while chasing after money, fame, some experience, ect (Secondary Values) and have that cause happiness or fulfillment (Primary Value). Be happy and fulfilled now and positive Secondary Value will naturally come as a result of who you are. You will then be able to fully enjoy and share those Secondary things with others.

Just how do I become happy and fulfilled now?

Let go of your Ego. Uncover your Self Esteem. Make your life and yourself your Primary Value. Be fully present in the moment. Need nothing. Accept everything. Be you and create what you want.

Is it really that simple?

Yes. It’s simple, but not easy at first. It isn’t a matter of learning; it’s a matter of unlearning. Educate in Greek means “to draw forth from within”. Happiness and fulfillment comes from within. You must remember how to do that and become as creative, spontaneous, believing and loving as a child again.

If you were wounded as a child, then you must first undergo a process that will enable you to let go of those negative emotions and come to terms with your past. This healing results in forgiveness and lets your natural self come through (creativity, happiness, health, wealth and love).

How does wealth fit into the equation?

Life is the Primary Value. Many people hate their lives, so they seek reasons to like them. They were taught at a young age that who they were wasn’t good enough – that they weren’t valuable. So they then use outer things as a reason to feel valuable and important (Ego). They feel they need to do something in order to feel they are something.

In effect, they stop valuing their lives (their Primary Value) and start seeking the rewards that would come naturally if they just valued their lives. So even if you get those Secondary things you’ll still hate your life (like Kurt Cobain).

Some people will then think, “Well, if I had a reason to value my life, I would. If I had money, ect, ect, I would then value my time and my life”. But it’s that very thinking that causes their suffering in the first place (Ego). With Ego, people need reasons to feel valuable and important – they need to do something in order to be it.

Life should be a value in and of itself if you want lasting happiness, wealth and fulfillment. Life enables you to achieve money, fame, respect, ect. Without life, nothing can be achieved and those outer things are useless. Your life is the source of it all. Value it fully and those outer things come naturally as a result of who you are.

A very funny thing happens when you begin to value yourself and your life. You begin to want the best for yourself and others and then seek to create wealth because you feel entitled to it, not because you feel you need it to enhance your life (you know your life is valuable enough as is).

You then come to the world looking to give rather than take. And when you give, it’s value in other people’s lives which they exchange Secondary Value for (money). This is how money is literally created... creating and then exchanging value. Life is the Primary Value – it’s where all other value flows from, including money.

This is why doctors and surgeons get paid so much - they save lives. Just look at any profession today that improves the lives of others. The is also why actors, singers and writers get paid so much - people value the beauty and glorification of life. Poets and actors help inspire people to achieve more in life.

So how do I use this information to become wealthy?

In order to give value, you must first possess it. People exchange money for anything that causes them happiness or pleasure. And if you help others generate Secondary Value (rather than just giving them it), they’ll exchange huge sums of money for that.

By improving other people’s lives (because life is valuable), people are willing to exchange Secondary Value for it (money, work, respect, material objects, ect). And by improving their lives, they generate more Secondary Value for themselves and others. The cycle then continues, becomes self-perpetuating and wealth is created by creating it for everyone else.

Your Life Purpose naturally benefits others (I talk about this in my article on Social Learning and a few others). It is also the very thing you want most in life, so living your Purpose isn't something that's hard... in fact it's the only fulfilling thing there is in life (because it brings us closer to those we care about most).

People think, “Well, if I did value myself and my life as is, then money would be a great addition to my life”. Nope. It only makes your life more complicated and much more difficult. When you have large amounts of money, certain things happen:

1. People envy you. You lose friends. Even your family may begin to become very jealous, mistakenly thinking life is somehow easier on you now
2. You have to learn how to keep it (or lose it all). This takes discipline, hard work and continued effort on a daily basis
3. Because you have more money, you then have more desires... if you try to fulfill all your desires, you’ll be broke in no time. Being rich means giving up a LOT of desires
4. You have to keep changing and tending to your source of income or it’ll stop producing – I don’t even have the time to go into all the aspects and work involved with this one (there are many books out there that do)
5. Mo money, mo problems. Being broke is a LOT easier – you enjoy the little things more and your friends want to help you out rather than being envious of you
6. You may lose your privacy over your own life and people constantly judge and want to insult you as a way of making their Ego’s feel better about themselves
7. You live in constant fear of losing the lifestyle you’ve become accustomed to

In short, becoming rich isn’t for someone values Secondary Value more than their Primary. But if you have Self Esteem, the negative aspects of wealth don’t matter because events can’t cause you to feel good or bad. Your Self Esteem and your Life Purpose is the source of all Wealth, Health, Love and Fulfillment, not anything outside yourself.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Punishment Vs Discipline

(Keep in mind the punishment dealt from the Residential Schools, prison systems, your own life, ect while reading this article)

The underlying message of punishment is “You can’t do this, you are bad for doing this”, while discipline says “This is what you can do. You can take pride in doing this”. Discipline delivers the message that punishment fails to get across – that one should make the best decisions for themselves and take responsibility for their actions.

Discipline retains people’s sense of choice and control. Depression and anger comes from feeling we have no choice and makes people feel like helpless victims or (dangerous) cornered wolves.

The root word for discipline is disciple or follower. This means you discipline through being the example without forcing anyone. By being the example without pressure (but providing necessary guidance of course), often people then make the best choices or even make other equally positive choices through positive Observational Learning.

The result is a developed self esteem and strong sense of identity and integrity. This sets the foundation that will enable people to aim high and achieve much with their lives. And when they get to that position, they can say “I did this, I made this happen. This is what I wanted to do”. This gives more sense of choice and control over life and pleasure which results in self esteem and happiness.

Happiness, joy, depression and aggression are directly controlled by your sense or lack of control over your pleasure and quality of life. If you feel like your life and future will only cause pain and you have no choice in the matter, you become either depressed or angry. We then look to steal, take, force or buy happiness at any cost. The result is drugs, alcohol, crime and violence.

When one feels like they have no control, one either passively suffers with depression or aggressively fights and resists in an attempt to regain control. Either choice only causes more negative situations, now and later, which then only compounds those bad feelings even further. This is where the downward spiral begins.

Your Ego is then created or strengthened for a sense of stability in a seemingly unpredictable, uncontrollable and hostile world. Ego causes the need to measure up to some external result, image or condition for a sense of identity, security and happiness.

The problem is that nothing external is forever. That means your Ego cause you suffering when things inevitably don’t go your way. Self esteem doesn’t need those external things to provide happiness. It’s all internal and completely under your control... your complete choice. You just need to understand how it’s created and sustained.

Principles, values, knowledge of Laws [cause and effect] and proven strategies provide the missing inner foundation for happiness, security, success and self esteem. All the rewards of taking responsibility over our inner life are wealth and fulfillment.

This is how to take further choice and control over your happiness and success – control that is not dependent on anything or anyone else. The upward spiral then begins – each accomplishment feeds into and magnifies the next and you become the sole creator of your happiness, respect and wealth.

To further add to the rewards, when one begins to get pleasure from taking the right actions, it adds the fuel and motivation needed to achieve many great things for ourselves and others. All these right actions flow naturally from living our Life Purpose. Living our Purpose then creates even more wealth, health, love and fulfillment.

But because of modern society and the Residential Schools, that negative Observational Learning has blinded people to these liberating facts. When you are so used to seeing life one way, it’s at first difficult to see it in another way – even if that way is more beneficial.

Permanent change is made possible considerably faster through guidance from mentors. This mentoring saves years of failure and frustration from not knowing where the obstacles and pitfalls are. Sometimes people try to change only to be met with failure after frustrating failure. A good mentor can eliminate this failure for good and speed the whole process up tremendously.

The tribal system we once had, made use of processes of change that have been refined over more than 10,000 years. Role models in the community provide the example and influences and improves the lives of the next generation through positive Observational Learning. This is why “it takes a village to raise a child”.

Constantly improving yourself helps tremendously because perfection is an illusion. Perfection makes our life situation a constant disappointment and makes your happiness dependent on things beyond your control and your sense of choice.

A healthy and satisfying view to life is aiming for excellence in your passion and Life Purpose. You may fall down and fail, but the goal is mastery, not a lack of failure (which is nearly impossible). Happiness then becomes the Journey, not some distant Destination that never will be reached. Your Purpose is everything you really want in life and in our day and age you can find nearly unlimited ways in expressing that purpose for the benefit of all of society. That kind of value is what people pay good money for.

This is also were your creativity comes into play. When you feel good about who you are, you allow your natural talents and gifts to come through. Your Purpose, self chosen values and soul’s creativity flourishes because you no longer holding onto those Egoic ways of judging yourself. You allow your true self to be and create new things of benefit for society. This is what’s really valuable to people because it’s so “rare” and “unique”. Modern society prevents many people from being their true selves.

Living your Purpose allows you to live in complete happiness, fulfillment and wealth. Money, those pieces of paper with ink on them, is simply used to exchange value. Your Life Purpose and passion naturally adds to the wellbeing of society – which is value for others and is why you can literally create huge amounts of wealth. Anyone can develop their talents and be given money in exchange for the valuable end result. But to stop growing to is to stop the natural flow of life and ‘death’ occurs. Muscles not exercised break down.

It’s common for people to feel bad when they realize they were working in the wrong direction or to think that they’re lives just got more complicated. In reality, their lives are complicated because of working against the laws of life for so long. Getting leverage means to do more with less and less. You just have to understand how it works and use it in the key areas.

But a lot of people never even realize these things and die unfulfilled and incomplete. You could possibly save yourself from literally decades of needless pain and suffering. And you can do so by taking advantage of the experience and knowledge of mentors who’ve already taken years to get there (saving you years of frustration and struggle). Your level of success, ultimately, is completely your choice.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I’ve been very, very busy the past few weeks. I just want to take some time to give you an idea where I’m at right now.

Okay. Life was pretty messed up the last few weeks. But it gave me a huge realization: I will act from my truest values and intentions, no matter what tries to bring me down.

I have such a sense of freedom to be happy, fulfilled and just enjoy life no matter how bad things get, that all I want to do is to share this with everyone. 95% of all people’s problems are unnecessary and self created. You just never learned why.

No one has any idea what I’ve been through. I know every person thinks their life was the shittiest, but my life has been exceptionally harsh on me. You’ll know what I mean in a few months.

But I see the same bullshit going on everywhere... unnecessary, self generated pain and suffering. All I can do is sit back and think, “Why do that? Just do this and ALL of your ‘problems’ will be solved”. It’s hard for me when I see this going on everywhere I look.

It took over 5 years for me to figure out what I do now. I almost gave up so many times. I’ve worked extremely hard to get where I am now and my life is only going to get harder. Yes, that’s the price I’ll pay. My life. My dedication. My privacy. Everything.

The illusion of eventually having NO problems in life is one of the many reasons why people can’t enjoy life. They want something better than what they got now that they can’t even enjoy the things that they have in front in them... which are actually the things that truly matter. I have way more to talk about this in future articles.

I still have so much to do, now and later. Owning and operating a business isn’t for someone who wants to get rich quick. It’s for someone who’s willing to shoulder the responsibility, HARD WORK, dedication and level-headedness needed to just barely scrape by for the first few years.

Becoming successful isn’t so great either. People envy and hate you. New people you meet can’t relate to you like a normal person. Someone may seem cool up front but dis you harshly behind your back to make them feel good about themselves again. This is all Ego – needing logical, external reasons to feel good about yourself. I know this will happen because it’s happening already. When I was just some dork loser in high school, no one was threatened by that.

The opposite of Envy is Admiration. You feel envy when you see something within you in someone else. Your mind is telling you you could/should have that also. You just have to uncover it. And when you do, you start to feel admiration when you see others succeed because you feel connected to them rather than separated.

Today, I feel like all this 'hard work' is a very small price to pay and is worth the end result. Because when you’re living your Life Purpose, fulfillment and happiness is the moment in front of you – not some distant, illusionary future event when ‘everything will be perfect and nothing will go wrong ever again and I can finally be happy’.

Things still and will continue to go wrong in my life. I still have to deal with shit that tries to destroy all that I’ve built so far. But, thanks to my strong inner foundation and sense of self, I can easily rise above that and use it in my favor. Talk about sense of control.

I use my struggles and setbacks as POWERFUL ENERGY to create more happiness for myself. It’s a process I’ve developed over the past few years for my own personal use.

Imagine being able to use all your painful life experiences as a source of happiness and fulfillment. If you had/have a hard life, then you have an equal amount of potential for wealth, happiness and fulfillment. You can see why I want to share this knowledge I've discovered.

Personally, it’s painful for me to see what’s going on every single day and knowing that it’s completely preventable. My daughter suffers, my brothers suffer, my parents suffer, my friends suffer and countless people on Reserves and around the world suffer. Needlessly.

Anyway, I have huge plans for 2009. This year is winding up for the big bang; it’s going to knock the world straight onto its head. And I’ll be recording it all here... you’re going to see what a regular person like yourself can do with just a focused intent and some persistence.

Monday, March 31, 2008

How The Effects of The Residential Schools Pass To The Next Generation

So how does Social / Observational Learning explain the inter-generational effects of the Residential Schools? Simply by the fact we learn how to think and behave from those around us. The Residential Schools were so horrific they rivaled the deaths in the most notorious Nazi death camps. This continued, not for 10 years like the death camps, but for 50-60 years. And these crimes of humanity were committed on CHILDREN. The sheer amount of physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse irrevocably destroyed all sense of self esteem in the victims. They then had classic Stockholm syndrome; they identified with and became like their captors... the victims became the victimizers. This is where the inner void was created and has been largely ignored due to modern society.

When they were released “Christianized and Assimilated” they felt immense guilt and hatred towards themselves because of the torture they endured. "In order to love someone else, you must first love yourself". With that in mind, is it possible to love fully when one’s heart and soul has been crushed beyond all recognition? Is it possible to enjoy life when one only knows hate, suffering and a deep longing for death? Is it possible to give our children something that has long since been destroyed within us?

Imagine trying to give the best to your children only to fail because you haven't learned anything else. That alone is more painful than the abuse endured in those schools, for both the parents and their children. The only escape then is found in drugs, alcohol and government handouts.

What most people don't understand is the kinds of lives most Aboriginals live as the result of the Residential Schools. They don't see the 250 teens in the remote community of Kugluktuk (population 1,300) who committed suicide in the past 5 years. Their story can be found here, the second part here, and the third here.

But most of Aboriginal's reality is hidden. No one talks about the 13 year old girls forced to prostitute. The kids who have to see their moms, brothers and sisters beaten sometimes on a daily basis. The teens who are killing themselves by inhaling solvents just to escape these painful realities. Or even the elders who desperately want their grand-children to have a better life but can't seem to reach them and stop them from destroying themselves.

This is how these effects are transferred to the next generation. Parents want nothing more than for their children to be happy. But since we've lost those tribal ways of parenting and have had them replaced with pain, anger and depression, we are unable to give our children something that was taken from us. The inner void continues in the next generation and society just looks down on us, pointing fingers at our suffering as if we chose these lives.

I look with pride at the strength of our people. Who, in all our suffering, still continue to fight for salvation, enduring an untold amount of pain that permeates virtually every single Aboriginal family across North America. I look with faith, that when we are shown the path to true happiness and fulfillment, we would rise up as one and demand justice for the blood of past generations and, not just for us, but for the future of the world's coming generations. I believe this because I know we aren’t ‘just a bunch of lazy alcoholics’.

Social Learning, Conformism and Herd Behavior

Our ideas of ourselves and reality come from society (parents, siblings, friends, the media, the government, ect) since we are unable to form these concepts on our own as children and learn fastest through observing and imitating others.

We trust the system as children. We think the media, education, healthcare, police and even government systems are perfect and provide everything we need. But once we become adults we realize, “The system is really just screwed and run by a bunch of regular people who embed their own problems into the system.”

Our ability to save time by learning quickly from others is why we usually let society control what to think, believe and how to behave - without taking in account our own values, beliefs and judgments. By definition, we become slaves and lack human soul and creativity.

Did you ever notice people pick up the accents, slangs and mannerisms of the people around them when they move to a new city? It's only natural - it's called Herd Behavior, Conformism, or Social / Observational Learning. Basically people observe and then imitate everyone around us. After all, if everyone is doing it, it must be okay right? Not always...

Advertising says "You can only feel good about yourself when you have this and your life is like this. This is what is valuable to you and everyone else. Without it, you are nothing, you are worthless and your life sucks. Work your dead end job and buy a second of happiness. We need people who don't question these absurd beliefs and who don't want to find out what is truly valuable to themselves". No wonder so many people who strive to attain riches, fame or women have only ended up unfulfilled. They're left feeling hopeless and empty because it wasn’t what they really wanted.

The trouble is... most people have no idea what they want. They accept what society and friends tell them they want: money, fame, women, this car, this lifestyle, this house, to be this person. And guess what happens when we don’t measure up? We can't feel good about ourselves or our life situation. Even if we do possess those things, those external things can never fill an inner void. Just look at Kurt Cobain and Marylin Monroe.

What is really needed is knowledge of what we really want, the confidence to think what we want to think, to become who we want to become and to achieve what we really want to achieve. This is self esteem - it's a constant good feeling about ourselves that isn't dependent on our results, appearances or accomplishments and doesn't leave when we fail or make mistakes. It's based on the simple fact that we are good enough as is and capable of achieving anything and everything we want. And it’s then we naturally create the wealth, the fame and the lifestyle.

I'm not saying that earning money, fame, ect, is wrong - having the best in life for yourself and your family is a great thing. What I'm saying is those things will come faster and in greater amounts by making your focus living your Life Purpose. And earning those things will be a LOT easier and more enjoyable because we would be living our passion. Find what you love doing and you'll never work a day in your life.

But like I said earlier, we have no idea what we really want... it’s never an issue for most people. They rather follow the crowd, the man on the commercial, the lifestyle Hollywood dictates. We think we are our thoughts, actions, results, jobs, clothes and money and look to those things to define ourselves and determine our worth (which is Ego). The information on external conditions in my first article clearly explains this.

People who die fulfilled and create massive social change are the ones who question society’s views and establish a new, more accurate ‘map’ of reality. Their life and their legacy go on for centuries. Life isn’t a brief candle for these people and ‘hard work’ isn’t seen as that, but rather their passion and Life Purpose in action. Hard work and living your passion (including ‘working hard’ towards your passion) produce two completely different feelings and results.

I used to think that in order to be successful, you must first know how to get what you want. You need the strategies and skills. But it became apparent to me that the most important factor is BURNING DESIRE. With that, you’ll seek out the strategies you need because you’ve decided to get it NO MATTER WHAT. It’s either you do or you die trying. When one has that amount of resolve and persistence, that person is practically guaranteed success.

The problem lies in finding out what you really want because we’re so socially conditioned to value the wrong things. They blind us to our true Life Purpose. Our Life Purpose is in line on so many levels with our identity and what we really want, that action becomes an unavoidable result. We don't need motivation then because we will be doing what we really want anyway.

Your Life Purpose holds the key to all fulfillment, wealth, health, success and love. Everyone has a Life Purpose at any age, the best times to discover your mission is during adolescence and in mid-life. But detecting (not creating) your Life Purpose requires expert guidance and support to show you where to look and common misconceptions to avoid.

Once you get in touch with your Purpose, NOTHING IN THIS WORLD MATTERS AS MUCH because you found what truly matters. It isn’t money. It isn’t ‘being the Man’. It isn't even having life going good for yourself. It’s simply being yourself and sharing your gifts with this world... leaving a legacy for future generations. That is something that you create, not something that is given to you. So stop waiting for happiness. If you know your worth it, go out and make it happen. Demand and claim everything that you're worth.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Personal Update

Considering all that I want, I'm going to have to make some huge changes in my life. I'm in no way perfect, but I've come a long way and I'm not turning back now.

My new goals for the next while include:

1 month (April 18th):

- Change business name
- Exercise, meditate and read daily
- Buy a car so I can get to my workshops
- Have a debt repayment plan in place
- Begin complete identity change
- Become aware of, confront, overcome and integrate inner Shadows (a Carl Jung theory)
- Do at least 3 workshops
- Line up at least 8 more for the next 2 months

3 months (June 18th):

- Developed and refined an amazingly effective 4-day workshop based on Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey (
- Travel North America doing 4-day workshop

6 months (Sept 18th)

- Completely new identity
- Professionally filmed, edited and produced DVD's of 4-day workshop plus instructions how leaders and youths can implement transformation in their communities
- Use money I earned to produce and distribute (roughly 500) DVD's for free

There is a lot more to this list though (I go at least 5 years into the future and include the amount of money I will have earned).

I'm very lucky and fortunate to have the opportunity I do now. I don't say that I'VE fully created my life from just my own doing. I've had a lot of help so I'm very grateful for all the people that have helped me along the way (read over 100 books and was guided by so many people).

Knowing this helps me to stay humble and prevents me from becoming egotistical. It's not what I do that I feel good about, it's who I am. This is the inherent worth every individual on the face of the Earth has within them. And I can teach this so others can do it without all the struggle and hassle I went into finding it out alone. I want to show people that everything they're looking for is within them so they can stop looking for it outside themselves.

This is why making mistakes is a great thing - that way I know where to improve. Not one person on Earth was born knowing how to talk, walk or earn money... we all learn it trough trial and error; making mistakes. You eliminate failure the second you learn from it.

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan

"Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation." - Michael Jordan

"I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." - Michael Jordan

"My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength." - Michael Jordan

On a more personal note... my daughter Chloe celebrated her 4th birthday on the 14th this month. She's the reason why I started the path I'm on. I couldn't leave my hotel room in Victoria on that day... I couldn't stop thinking about her (I did my best to distract myself). I haven't seen since last year.

The first time I got to see her was summer last year. Since then her mother and I tried to get back together but it didn't work out for a number of reasons. It took 3 me years to see her for the first time and I have seen her no more than 20 times. But if I managed to do that (considering where I came from), I'm just going to bide my time and try again.

"He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must have felt what it is to die that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life." -- Edmond Dantes, The Count Of Monte Cristo

Monday, March 10, 2008

How The Residential Schools REALLY Affect Aboriginals

Conditional love says, "I'll love you if you act in X way, or do X, but will despise Y behavior or if you act like this". When we punish people out of love, they only feel hatred. Acceptance and forgiveness isn't dependent on conditions, but simply understanding, patience, and unconditional love. We can only love unconditionally when we 1. love and understand ourselves unconditionally which allows us to 2. accept our life conditions and 3. accept others unconditionally. We're able to accept because we are able to understand and see the truth.

Thinking, "Well, this person did X to me, so now I feel bad and I'm justified in wanting to hurt them back." or when others judge us for our actions, we shouldn't hate or judge them back. Why? Because both parties aren't really choosing to do those things. No one wants or chooses to hurt those they love most, live with depression, alcoholism, unemployment, violence, hate or crime (evident when many Aboriginals say, "I hurt those I love the most, I don't want to but can't seem to change no matter how hard I try" and "I can't seem to quit drinking even though I want to"). All actions have a positive intention - drinking, to end pain and laugh - suicide, to end the pain of living - crime, to get money - drugs, to feel good and numb the pain, ect. The people that stay victims to their circumstances are simply unaware of their choices and how to achieve them. Give these people a new understanding and they'll choose different ways of living and finding happiness - ways that are in line with what they truly want.

We are not our thoughts, beliefs, or actions, for they can and do change over time. What we are is our basic awareness or soul - that which feels, judges, knows, and thinks. Our actions, beliefs, thoughts, ect, come from our awareness and how we interpret everything and the world around us. "Nothing is neither good or bad - but thinking makes it so" - Shakespeare. The way we interpret the world comes largely from our upbringing since we aren't able to think for ourselves in order to survive as infants and children. We have no control over what we are taught as children (we never chose it), that comes from our parents who learned everything from their parents, or in the case of all Aboriginals, the Residential Schools.

The Residential Schools forced us to learn conditional love and learned helplessness, among other forms of negative thinking that are the cause of our condition (notice that suicide is the number one cause of death of Aboriginals age 13-30). The Residential Schools took away our basic choice of who we want to be, who we think we are, what we want, and what we do. This means we are asleep - unconscious.... acting out scripts and behaviors handed to us from those who attempted to destroy us. It's time to wake up and make our own decisions based on unconditional love, acceptance, understanding, correct principles and truth.

When we accept, love and understand others not based on their actions but for who they are beneath their unconscious "decisions", they honor and respect us back (the core of unconditional love). As parents, our children then do as we say because they feel our love for them in all it's fullness and truly see we only want the best for them. They feel our love and respond back with love (we give the world what's within us).

Loving children unconditionally allows them to feel their inherent worth as a person. This means they would no longer need to succumb to peer pressure nor rebel for a sense of control because they don't need to in order to feel good about themselves. They don't need everyone's approval anymore because they have their own acceptance - acceptance from knowing that they are good enough. Conditional love makes one feel like they're not good enough, so they copy what others say is good - substituting someone else's choice for their own. But when they are confident in their ability to make the right choices in life (which they can only see when loved unconditionally), they then make their own decisions to what's truly important to them, not what others say is 'cool' or what necessarily feels good in the moment - allowing them to endure pain of working towards worthwhile goals.

Unconditional love transforms all who come into contact with it - a transformation that we cannot get through punishment, deal making or rewards (which all imply doing something that someone else chose for them). When we have unconditional love for our children, they tend to judge themselves and hold themselves to a higher standard than we ever could. This standard is of their own choosing - this gives them a sense they are capable of choosing the best for themselves because they are inherently good enough as is. This builds confidence, identity and self respect - self respect makes them feel deserving the best in life which allows them to work for what they know they're worth... they don't wait for someone or something to give them happiness (such as Welfare, drugs, alcohol, a person, money, fame, or some other external event that never provides lasting happiness or fulfillment).

This doesn't mean that one would make all the wrong decisions for themselves (like drinking, drugs, crime, gangs, ect) simply because one only pursues those things when they feel they can't find inner fulfillment and happiness elsewhere (which in itself limits their sense of choice and sense of ability to achieve the goals which they choose). People's sense of ability to achieve their goals is limited only to their choice to seek the understanding that will enable them to achieve their goals - this takes the power from external conditions, gives it back and empowers them (this implies one can do anything as long as they choose to do so).

Unconditional love and understanding towards one's self is self esteem. Self esteem doesn't depend on conditions - it's doesn't depend on whether we are successful or not, on our appearance, status, respect from others, acceptance from others, our accomplishments, our past, material possessions, money, our job, or any other external condition. This is why many who strive to attain those things only end up feeling empty and unfulfilled (consider Kurt Cobain). Ironically, by cultivating self esteem and unconditional acceptance of ourselves, others, and our life's conditions, we achieve those outer conditions faster and in more abundance in ways we would have never considered when we lacked self esteem.

It's through sharing what's within us that provides our fulfillment, not the achievement of external conditions. Keep in mind that we then enjoy those external conditions only because we simply see them as a reflection of our level of inner fulfillment. This fulfillment doesn't require the recognition of anyone else - for it is ours and ours alone... no one can give it to us nor can anyone take it away (meaning we also can and may lose those external conditions but we'll never lose our sense of inner fulfillment). This is also why this fulfillment is present even when faced with "failure" (failure is merely a lesson of what doesn't work), and enabled the greatest people in history to never give up and be willing to die for what they believed in. They knew that what they had within them was greater than anything the world could throw at them. They understood the only true failure was to allow things, people, emotions or external events destroy and control their thoughts, values, beliefs, purpose, and integrity. "Extraordinary men build a firm foundation with the bricks others throw at them"

This also means we should no longer feel guilty for our past mistakes, past mistakes of our parents or past events that caused us to hate ourselves - for if we just knew how to get the result we wanted, we would choose to do so. And just because some uncontrollable, unchosen external event prevented what we wanted, it's no reflection on who we are or what we intended. We are not our actions, thoughts, beliefs or results... but we are responsible for them since only we can think for ourselves.

Basing our happiness and sense of self worth on external conditions is where our unhappiness comes from (also where conditional love originates). Nothing in this world is forever... all things and people will change towards us, causing pain, or they will leave us and it's absence will cause pain. It's true people will eventually die and it will cause us to be unhappy but we can still be at peace with it and accept it (even when faced with our own death).

Acceptance of all that is instantly ends the pain and it's power over us. When it's too hard to accept something, we may feel it's important to hold on to whatever it is that prevents us from letting go. We simply have to redirect our focus or change our perception - for all events conform to the way we choose to see them. "Nothing is neither good or bad - but thinking makes it so". Paradoxily, by letting go we then have the power to influence change. There are many proven ways to do this, which I will be sharing with people through my workshops and presentations.

Truth is gentle, it uplifts and inspires. If someone believes or thinks something that hurts or angers themselves or anyone else, then what they believe isn't true or isn't the full truth. "The truth shall set you free... but first it'll tick you off or scare the hell out of you" This happens because we sometimes cloud the truth with our own negative perception of what that truth means... this causes us to not accept it. When we add new meaning or don't see the whole truth, it makes it false - only false thoughts cause pain and anger. Truth is gentle. The minute we grasp the undistorted truth, it heals us and our wounds.

My goal is to get this message to all Aboriginals before the crises which is to affect us within 5-15 years. The Canadian government will soon remove our treaty rights and we'll have to pay for our own medication, schooling and infrastructure. The reason is because we are the number one growing population and within 10 years would be costing the government billions in the form of medication and hospitalization. The government also included a clause in the Residential School settlements that says Aboriginals can no longer ask the government for help reversing the effects that the Schools caused. So when we attempt to approach the government for help for our elderly and our youth (who are killing themselves through drugs, suicide, and solvents), Canadian society and government will not allow it. "We threw billions of dollars at you people already" they'll lament. I know this because they already feel this way towards us. I don't say that to judge them because I know if they understood the truth some would offer to help.

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